Bribery and corruption offences present a very serious risk for all businesses
These risks can lead to unlimited fines for companies, imprisonment of individuals and loss of reputation. The enforcement of bribery and corruption laws in many countries is increasingly stringent and also encompasses activities undertaken by a company through its employees or third parties acting on its behalf across various international jurisdictions.
PAC’s corporate conduct is based on acting responsibly, honestly, with integrity and the Company does not tolerate any form of bribery and corruption.
The Compliance Committee is responsible for establishing this policy within PAC, supported by an appropriate corporate culture which prohibits bribery and corruption involving either PAC employees or any third parties acting on behalf of the Company.
As part of this policy as well as Company’s Corporate Policy, our Employees are encouraged, without fear of retaliation, to raise a red flag if they observe any violation of Company policy, rule, regulation, etc. Any concerns raised are then thoroughly investigated and handled.
Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all PAC’s Employees and Vendors and same is regularly reviewed and audited to ensure its continuous suitability, effective and proportionate with regards to Company’s operations and the jurisdictions within which it operates.
Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Policy covers all the activities of our Company and is integral part of our management system
PAC is committed to provide the highest quality services to our clients through total quality management in order to meet and exceed their expectations. An integral objective of our Company is to take a leading position in the area we perform and, therefore, PAC is committed to comply with the requirements of the current health, safety and environmental legislation, international standards, rules in industrial and occupational safety and environmental protection areas.
Regardless of the size of a company, scope of work or mode of transport, clients focus is paramount and client satisfaction is vital. Through a integrated management system, cost effective transportation solutions, and requirements of legislation in the field of health, safety and the environment, PAC ensures that the goals of the Company which include but are not limited to the following:
This QHSE Policy shall be understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization as well as being reviewed periodically for its continuing suitability and effectiveness.
PAC’s vision is to be an organization recognized by its employees, clients, and other stakeholders as an eco-friendly organization with appropriate programs in place to reduce impact on environment through sustainable practices and initiatives. In all PAC locations and operations, our vision for sustainability follows these guiding principles:
• We ensure
client satisfaction by adding value and honouring commitments at all times
• We build
transparent lasting relationships and stand for integrity and mutual trust
• We strive
to be an eco-friendly organization
• We foster
a learning organization that nurtures innovative thinking in growing the business in harmony with our communities
The Charter for Corporate Social Responsibility is to :
Review goals and objectives and refine programs on annual basis